SafetyCenter reports

The Trend report provides a summary trend of driver (or vehicle) speeding behavior. This report is the KEY to knowing which drivers to coach, as well as those who are doing a great job. Do you know who your best drivers are? 

As with all SpeedGauge reports, it is available in driver-based and vehicle-based versions. The availability of driver-based reporting depends on your telematics provider. 

The report contains one row for each driver or vehicle that reported movement to SpeedGauge during the report period. If a driver or vehicle is missing from the report, it generally indicates that no data was received.

Drivers will appear in the report even if they did not have any speeding incidents. Drivers with no speeding will show a speeding percentage of 0.0%. 

Driver-based reports may show rows that indicate "No Driver ID." This means that data was received from your telematics provider with no driver assigned. This driverless data is grouped with the vehicle. 

The report fields are:

  • Distance Driven - the estimated distance driven by the driver or vehicle during the report period, based on odometer readings
  • Observations - the total number of GPS observation “pings” received for the driver or vehicle during the report period; in general, a more active driver will have a higher number of observations
  • % Speeding - the speeding rate for the driver or vehicle during the report period; this is the total number of speeding incidents divided by the total number of observations - read more about % Speeding here
  • Average Overspeed - the average difference between the vehicle speed and speed limit while speeding; a vehicle must be over the posted limit + thresholds to be considered speeding - read more about average overspeed here.
  • % Non-Interstate/Freeway Speeding - the speeding rate for the driver or vehicle on non-controlled access roads (two-lane roads, city streets, etc.) - read more about road types here.
  • Average Overspeed (Non-Interstate) - the average amount over the posted limit while speeding on non-controlled access roads.
  • % Interstate/Freeway Speeding - the speeding rate for the driver or vehicle on controlled access roads (interstate/freeway roads with divided directions of travel and on/off-ramps).
  • Average Overspeed (Interstate) - the average amount over the posted limit while speeding on controlled access roads.

Additional fields can be found in the CSV/XLSX download:

  • Incidents - the total number of speeding incidents recorded for the driver or vehicle during the report period.
  • Incidents Interstate/Freeway - the total number of speeding incidents recorded for the driver or vehicle on interstate/freeway roads during the report period.
  • Incidents Non-Interstate/Freeway - the total number of speeding incidents recorded for the driver or vehicle on non-interstate/freeway during the report period.
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