Simply put, GPS Drift occasionally happens because the GPS signal is reflected from obstructions such as houses, buildings, vehicles, hills and tree cover, etc. Because one of these signals may arrive at the receiver at a slightly different time, based on this reflection, the net result is that the receiver’s final GPS position may not be the exact location of your vehicle. The difference can be anywhere from a few dozen to a few hundred feet. While driving down the highway, hundreds of feet may place your vehicle in a residential area (doing 77mph in a 30mph) - tens of feet may place you on a side road that runs parallel to the highway doing 51mph in a 40mph zone (see below). Unfortunately, these errors can result in an erroneous alert.
SpeedGauge does apply several proprietary filtering technologies to identify and ignore bad observations, but bad observations can and do get through occasionally.
Generally, after a little investigation - for example using SpeedGauge’s Live Activity Feed (click here) for a certain vehicle - it is often determined that ‘GPS Drift’ was the culprit for the alert and no disciplinary action is needed.
If you feel that GPS Drift errors are a recurring problem, you may wish to contact your telematic service provider to notify them about these errors. It may be a hardware issue or as simple as something blocking the receiver from getting GPS signals.
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